It would be good to use this website to compile a social history of the area … all kinds of stories from the past 80 years. I don’t go back that far(!) but will start the ball rolling by contributing the text of a talk I gave a few months ago about growing up in Dunscore in the 1950s. I am nervous about inserting this as I am sure there may be some factual errors – although not too many I hope! Feel free to let me know if you spot a mistake!!

I also plan to go through the old SCORE village magazines I edited in the 1980s/90s and retype articles of local interest for this section of the website.

Do please let me have your stories/photos of days past – I can take notes if you just want to tell me details and I can scan any old photos … it is something I have been meaning to do for ages and wouldn’t it be good to have lots of stories and details of events that took place in the area in days past? If you know of someone with plenty of good stories please ask if I can come along and interview him or her.

Many thanks.

Sheila Anderson (01387 820236)